Friday, June 28, 2013


I'm really a fan of these SWAP Tomato watches.When tomato announced on their Facebook page that they have this photo contest about the event I joined the contest right away. The price would be the starter kit SWAP watch. I tried my luck and fortunately my entry won. 

This is my Entry on the SWAPPARAZZI Contest. The contest was about any photos taken on the Launching Event of SWAP last May. You can check on my previous post about that event HERE.

Here's the price I have won on the said contest.

2 colored straps beige and  sky blue and a gold face! You can visit Tomato's website for the colors available.

These are the color that I already have.

Yes I have 2 gold faces. I purchased the first one and the other one I won it on the contest.

still planning to buy more straps.

We love our SWAP watches.

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